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The Village will be the go to place for Cardano on-chain related Yummi Universe activities, accessible from a website app. To gain access to its features, simply connect your smart contract compatible wallet.
Naru Staking
The first functionality of the Village is the staking of 10K PFP and Seasonal 10K Narus, which you can learn more about on the dedicated page linked below:
$Yummi Staking
Staking of $Yummi will be available in the future. You will be able to directly lock some of your $Yummi inside The Village for a token yield, rights to governance and potentially other tokens too.
Staking $Yummi will allow you to partake into the governance component of Yummi Universe, giving you the ability to vote on various proposals in The Village. While the specifics of the system are yet to be finalized, we know that it will stem from $Yummi staking. The governance component inside The Village will make decisions on a wide range of proposals, from game design choices to balance patches, but also future updates and more.
The Village won't be limited to only the above. Once all those features are set in place, we will continuously add new and interesting features and activities. Future ideas include:
A prediction and raffle system inspired by PancakeSwap, acting as a mechanism to reintroduce $Yummi into the treasury
Integrating DeFi primitives directly into the village
Digital collectible vending machines
And much more...